Getting the Facts Straight on Social Media & SEO (Part II)

In Part I of this two-part series, I discussed a great example of the misinformation that can be found online regarding social media and it’s benefits for SEO. As promised, here are three simple and effective social media tactics that can be used both to benefit search engine optimization and to maximize the gains from […]

Identifying Impacts from Search Engine Algorithm Updates

  As search engines continue to evolve, it is becoming more important than ever to monitor organic traffic to your website. While some webmasters and SEOs will argue that as long as you are employing white hat tactics, you don’t need to monitor your traffic and rankings, I’m not completely sold. In fact, I think […]

SEO Experiments – Evolving the Parallel Path Organic Search Offering

 Parallel Path’s Chief Data Office-fur A Google search for “search engine optimization” will return upwards of 64 million results – the majority of which are tips, tutorials, and beginner guides. Every SEO has their own opinion on what factors and elements affect SEO and to what degree, but not everyone can back these opinions with […]

Getting the Facts Straight on Social Media and SEO Part 1

As the SEO industry continues to develop and evolve, social media is becoming an undeniable, albeit still relatively small, force in the search engine algorithms. It may sound cliché, but with the recent influx of articles and blog posts on social media and SEO, how are you to know what is true, let alone what […]

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