Recent Google Algorithm Updates Causing Ranking Volatility

Penguin 2.0 Update
Thanks to Google, everyone hates penguins.


Google has released multiple updates to its algorithm over the past several months, which have caused an increasing amount of volatility in the rankings. On May 22, 2013, Google confirmed the Penguin 2.0 update. On June 11, 2013, Google confirmed monthly updates of Panda. On June 25, 2013, Google confirmed a  phantom update rollout over the following weeks.


What are these algorithms targeting?

Currently, we do not know the exact intent of the latest algorithm updates. Google does not penalize websites just because they feel like it, rather they strive to eliminate spam in its search results. In other words, Google is targeting sites that are engaging in black hat tactics such as link buying, keyword stuffing, and linking to irrelevant content.


Who does the algorithm target?

According to a recent algorithm analysis by MozCast, a tool that tracks algorithm changes, there are a wide variety of industries that have been effected. Most notably, Internet, Telecom, and Apparel.


Have I been impacted by the algorithm update?

As of the posting date of this article, we have not discovered any penalty or negative impacts for our clients. However, given that Google has stated that this update will continue to roll out over the course of the next month, there is still a possibility for an impact. But fear not! The SEO team at Parallel Path monitors client data on a daily basis and has an in house tool that we leverage to track and monitor the impacts of algorithm updates.


How can I prevent a penalty from Google?

The most effective way to avoid penalties from Google, or any search engine for that matter, is to avoid engaging in “black hat” SEO tactics. These would include buying links or linking to irrelevant content. Parallel Path does not advocate, nor do we engage in any potentially “black hat” SEO tactics and we strive to develop scalable, penalty proof strategies for all of our clients.

We will continue to keep you up to date on the latest with the various algorithm updates, as well as any future algorithm updates that may have an impact on organic traffic. If you have any questions or anxiety, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We’re here to help. And if you are not a client of Parallel Path and are concerned that you have been hit with a penalty, give a call at 303-396-1111 and we can help you identify the source of the issue and build a remediation plan.

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