Tips for Better Digital Marketing Analytics for Outdoor Brands

You know the saying: “you can’t manage what you don’t measure?” Even if your wellness brand is in a moment of growth, without truly understanding how your digital marketing efforts are affecting that growth, it will be difficult to craft a strategy that ensures that growth will continue. Here are four analytics tips for better […]

Four Content Planning Tips for Lifestyle Brands

Backpacker’s Pantry is one of the world’s foremost producers of freeze-dried food, and the brand’s domain earns a lot of traffic each month from relevant outdoor and active lifestyle consumers looking for information ranging from finding the perfect e-bike to campfire safety tips. In particular, one blog post has recently earned incredible traffic growth during […]

Five Signs Your Outdoor Brand is Wasting Money on Paid Search

Pay-per-click (PPC) or Paid Search advertising is a powerful marketing channel that can rapidly grow revenue for outdoor brands. Without a clear, informed strategy, however, runaway spending is a constant risk. Here are some of the biggest reasons for unprofitable paid search campaigns. Even if you are confident that you are getting a good ROI […]

Turn a Negative (Comment) Into a Positive

Lately, many companies are being confronted with social media campaigns that call them out for advertising on conservative websites, one of the most notable currently is the far-right site Breitbart. Breitbart is a controversial website that is notorious for what its critics call ‘fake’ news with allegations of a white, nationalist racist slant. In opposition, […]

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