Pioneering perspectives on health & wellness
The road to wellness is one of discovery and insight. At Parallel Path, we know the value of shared knowledge, visionary ideas, and leading-edge thought leadership. Uncover actionable ideas, understand the evolving health and wellness landscape, and gain inspiration. Here, the power of marketing aligns with the pursuit of health and happiness, driving forward the wellness revolution. Ready to explore?
AdWords Account Health: Search Query Reports
As AdWords accounts mature, optimization processes are necessary to maintain and improve the health of any paid search account. Data collected from Search Query
Identifying Impacts from Search Engine Algorithm Updates
As search engines continue to evolve, it is becoming more important than ever to monitor organic traffic to your website. While some webmasters and
Let’s Get Personal; Why Your Rank Shouldn’t be Your Only Focus
It is easy to rely on keyword rankings as a determinant of SEO success, but whether you are tracking your rankings manually or using a tool
Recent Google Algorithm Updates Causing Ranking Volatility
Google has released multiple updates to its algorithm over the past several months, which have caused an increasing amount of volatility in the rankings.
SEO Experiments – Evolving the Parallel Path Organic Search Offering
Parallel Path’s Chief Data Office-fur A Google search for “search engine optimization” will return upwards of 64 million results – the majority of which
Negative Keywords: Important Things Marketing Execs Need to Know
Managing your paid search channel is a full time job, which is why you’ve hired an agency to help out. But just because you’ve
Simple Excel Tricks for PPC Ad Copy Writing
When it comes to writing ad copy, the last thing you want is technology blocking your creativity. Follow these simple steps and you’ll be
SEO Strategy vs. Tactics
by Chris Thompson with Hardy Kalisher Do you have an SEO strategy? That question might be the most important question you can ask your SEO
Strategic Marketing Guide for Media Interviews
Your PR efforts are resulting in interviews with journalists and bloggers. But, are you maximizing your PR opportunities to drive visitors to your website? Many