How Managers Can Help Their People Thrive

Content Originally Published on Thrive Global In recent years we’ve seen a shift in people’s attitudes toward work. Where work was once thought to define who we are and how we fit in the world, work now needs to “work” for our whole lives. So, what do we really want from work? Increasingly we want […]

Gen Z Mental Health: the Impact of Tech and Social Media

Content Originally Published on McKinsey Health Institute Much like many relationships a person might have between ages 18 and 24, the relationship a young person has with social media can be complicated. No matter where they live, respondents in a new global survey said social media usage can lead to a fear of missing out […]

Box Breathing: Mental Health Benefits and Tips for Beginner

Content Originally Published on PyschCentral If you’ve ever taken a long, deep breath at the end of a stressful day, you probably know the calming effect it can have. Research shows the practice of controlled, deep breathing offers a number of positive effects on the body and mind. One such deep-breathing exercise is box breathing. […]

Health Care Systems Need to Better Understand Patients as Consumers

Content Originally Published on Harvard Business Review Patients in the United States aren’t loyal customers. They split their care across an average of four to five different provider networks each year. To remain competitive, health systems and traditional provider organizations must seek to better understand patients as healthcare consumers: how they make decisions, what motivates […]

Consumer Study Webinar

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Consumer Study Webinar